This is purple.space
a chance to connect
the opportunity to lead
FOR THOSE WORKING to make a difference
A community of practice
Even though we work in a distributed way, we don’t have to work alone.
And as we work in a world filled with AI and outsourcing, we don’t have to race to the bottom.
Better is possible. It helps to have company.
For creators, entrepreneurs, and line managers
Purple.space is a place to find the others. A virtual water cooler for daily inspiration, productivity and networking. But with no hype, cold calling or selling. The goal isn’t to gather attention, spread the word or have an argument. Instead, we’re creating a place of actual connection and possibility.
It’s designed for people who do three kinds of things :
Entrepreneurs in the midst of growing their project, big or small.
Freelancers who are working to find and work with better clients.
Line managers who are part of a distributed workforce eager to learn and get in sync with others. (This includes non-profits too).
No gurus, no magic access, simply the opportunity to find support on the journey and to get things done.
Better together
Purple Space is an online community that’s exactly what we need, just the right size to maximize impact without feeling overwhelming. Membership is capped and won’t be increased unless it benefits the community.
It costs money, but it’s worth more than it costs. Our members are the purpose of the space, not a raw material to be sold or manipulated.
Membership is via subscription and costs $20 a week. If you use the code together, the first week is a free trial–if it doesn’t work for you or for our community, simply cancel. The fee is charged weekly so you have the freedom to stay for as long as it’s helpful.
Building a community of practice is not for everyone. It's got little in common with traditional social networks or online classes. Come here to find the others, to give more than you get--and to get a lot.
More than its features
Inside purple.space you will find:
- Communities of practice
- Daily posting habits
- Support groups
- Access to the Creative’s Workshop originally at Akimbo
- Honest and useful feedback
Peer-to-peer fills a basic human need, but finding your peers isn’t easy.
It’s limited to just a few thousand people. Bigger isn’t the goal, better is.
You will find (take what you need, when you need it):
- Inspiration
- Face-to-face connection on demand
- Questions answered
- Peer-to-peer coaching
- 1:1 recorded buildup/teardown project riffs with Seth
- Full access to the Creative’s Workshop, the source of the bestseller The Practice
- 24/7 video groups, including masterminds and silent co-working (in the planning stages)
- Network effects for business creation
- Book groups and peer training
- Journaling
- Access to tools
- Worldwide in-person meetups are possible
We offer a limited number of no-cost scholarships. You can apply here.
Welcome to Purple.space
A membership community for creators and leaders
leaders, artists, and professionals In Mutual SUpport
Working remotely doesn't mean working alone.
Join a few thousand people engaged in the work of leveling up. Share your work, give and get feedback, and learn from peers on a similar journey. It's twenty dollars invested in building your practice and your career.
It's not a social network
This is a proven community of more than 500 people who are doing the work with each other, not at each other.
Face to face
We see each other, and are seen in return. Real names, real projects, no hustling. An online community with commitment.
Learn together
You'll find some past Akimbo workshops included, with the benefit of continuous peer support without time pressure.
Let's get real or let's not play
No one is phoning it in, and no one is there to please the boss. Imagine a community of peers, not a network of hustlers.
This may be the community you've been seeking.
Frequently asked...
Is this for you?
Is it another social network?
What's the cost?
Is there coaching with Seth?
Learn together
Includes access to the Creative's Workshop, and soon, the Marketing Seminar. In addition, there are recorded 1:1 sessions with Seth, cooperative workshops, peer-to-peer connection and more.
Find support
Level up your work
Ship on a regular basis
Culture Benders
Assemble the mutants
You will find your people
we're Here when you are Ready To Join Us
JOIN NOW ... Cancel any time
$20 a week. You can use the code TOGETHER to get the first week at no cost.
To visit the site once you subscribe
You can return to Purple any time by visiting together.purple.space
Unsubscribe is as easy as subscribing
It's entirely possible that this isn't for you. That's why the discount code gives you the first week at no cost.
If you decide to unsubscribe, please visit your subscription page by going here
and typing in your email address.
From there, you’ll see your subscriptions. Click on that and then hit CANCEL.
If you have any trouble unsubscribing, drop a note to me and we'll take care of it right away.
Thank you
We're better together. Thank you for being part of it.
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